…And the Wind Cries: Cyclone! (The Amazing Spider-Man #143) (1975)
Spider-Man has a lot on his mind: He is understandably distressed that he seems to have caught another glimpse of the recently departed Gwen Stacey.
In addition, Jonah Jameson, whom Peter suspects of having sicced Mysterio on him, has mysteriously departed for overseas.
A meeting with Robbie Robertson reveals that there may be trouble afoot.
It’s a bad idea to raise the possibility that Gwen has somehow returned from the dead, but it’s a nice touch to juxtapose it with a deepening of his relationship with MJ.
Later in France, Spider-Man trails Robbie until it becomes apparent that a hero is needed.
Kind of an odd structure here as the reason for Robbie’s attack is told in flashback.
Just in case you forgot we were in Paris, Robbie takes an evasive route past all the sightseeing highlights.
Or maybe it wasn’t Robbie’s idea after all. Anyway, it’s better if he doesn’t see that Spider-Man also happens to be in Paris, so goodnight, Robbie.
At that moment, the villain of the piece arrives.
Perhaps this question will be answered in the next issue, but couldn’t Cyclone have found someone in France to ransom for a million dollars without luring fat cats from overseas?
Conway was doing some inspired work back in the days when the Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacey, but the stories are beginning to seem a bit formulaic at this point.
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