The Power of Babel! (The Avengers #125) (1974)

Marvel Events and Crossovers Project Taking a broad historical overview of the Marvel Universe by reading through the major events and crossover events in order. (Thanks to The Marvel Event Timeline at and Marvel Unlimited) Author: Steve Englehart Artists: John Buscema & Dave Cockrum Our story opens in the moments after the resolution of an Avengers adventure, as Captain America arrives, torn by recent events in his own magazine. It soon becomes clear that we are in the moments before the Thanos Saga began, and some time is spent filling in Avengers readers who may not have been keeping up with events in the pages of Captain Marvel. Then we rejoin our story in progress. And we’re off to the races! A mysterious force field is detected… …and a group of Avengers is chosen to investigate. A vast starship lies within. Despite some juvenile sniping among themselves, they take control. It may not make much sense that a device vita...