The Deathworms of Kratos (The Expendables #1) (1975)

by Richard Avery (AKA Edmund Cooper)

A team of disgraced misfits are recruited as interstellar explorers to determine the suitability of alien worlds as homes for human colonists. 

Of these seven flawed geniuses, only three are given much development and seem likely to be the focus of this four-book series.


This novel is at its best early on when it is a story of exploration, peril, and mystery.


The biology and habits of the deathworms are interesting and well thought out. 

"Kratos' Giant Creatures--Conrad's Exhausted Force" (Japanese)

However, there is no Prime Directive here; once they get the upper hand, The Expendables have no qualms about devastating an alien ecosystem in the name of the human race. 

"Kratos--Planet of Horrors" (Swedish)

That cringey 70s swinger philosophy that postulated a progressive future free of sexual hang-ups yet now seems so hopelessly dated and sexist is on full display here.


"Test Planet Kratos" (German)

It’s all part of the fun if you can avoid being offended. 

"The Deathworms of Kratos" (Italian)

For example, team members who want to have sex first seek formal approval at a general meeting so that jealousy will be avoided, without exception receiving smiling approval from the gang. 

Edmund Cooper

When one of the more expendable Expendables dies in the line of duty, her lover solemnly eulogizes that any future monument to her should get the breasts right because "she had magnificent breasts." Flawed but fun.


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