The Grim Hunt Chapter 1 (The Amazing Spider-Man #634) (2010)


Random Marvels Project

Dipping my net into the ocean of Marvel and seeing what comes up.

Writer: Joe Kelly

Artists: Michael Lark & Stefano Gaudiano 

Someone is targeting “spyders” as part of something called The Grim Hunt, perpetrated by the survivors of the late Kraven the Hunter.


I stopped reading comics on a regular basis well before the number of spider-characters began to rival the number of members in the Superman and Batman Families, so I have no particular connection to these Kaines and Arachnes who are on the run.

However, I did find the fate of the Mattie Franklin Spider-Woman moving…

…and the motive for it quite creepy.

Hunting the Hunter, Part One: Adrift

Writer: J.M. Dematteis 

Artist: Max Fiumara 

An atmospheric tale of a disillusioned Kraven looking for purpose in life.


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