Panzer Spirit (1988)


by Tom Townsend

A horror/Cold War espionage thriller in which an abandoned German WWII prototype tank forged from ancient elven ore (!) goes on a rampage in modern-day Europe, fueled by the malevolence of the deceased tank commander who had been its master.


Fortunately, a rugged military historian/tank restorer and a successful comic book creator/reincarnated elven princess are on hand, finding love as they investigate the Jagdpanzer’s secrets and evade Russian spies who want to claim it for their own purposes. I swear, I can’t make this stuff up, but Tom Townsend can.


Tom Townsend

He was a tank platoon commander and tank company executive officer in the Army, so he’s operating in his wheelhouse here and the details about tanks and tank tactics ring true. This book takes place in a world that evolved from a Tolkienesque prehistory, including abandoned subterranean forges and an impenetrable metal called “mithriel” just waiting to be discovered by Nazi occultists. This book is totally bonkers but a fun read.


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