Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles #5) (1995)


by Anne Rice

In this volume, the weightiest and best of the Vampire Chronicles to this point, Lestat encounters the supreme beings of the Universe--God, the Devil, and the Angels.

 Memnoch escorts Lestat throughout the divine provinces and time itself as he explains his complicated relationship with God and humanity. 

Rice's take on the situation understandably upsets many religious readers. 

Anne Rice

Still, if you can open yourself to her point of view, you will be treated to a fascinating journey that largely reconciles the presence of evil and injustice in a world created by a supposedly omnipotent and benevolent being.


Vampire fans may also be disappointed by how Lestat recedes into the background for major portions of the novel, but I felt that Memnoch was worthy of taking the spotlight.

"Dancing with the Devil" (Turkish)

"Memnoch the Devil" (Polish)

"Memnoch the Devil" (Russian)

"Memnoch the Satan" (Hungarian)

"Memnoch the Devil" (Italian)

"Memnoch the Devil" (Latvian)

"Memnoch the Devil" (German)

"Memnoch" (Portuguese)

"Memnoch the Demon" (French)

"Remember the Devil" (Greek)

"Memnoch the Devil" (Spanish)

"Devil's Disciple" (Danish)


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