Thanos the Insane God! (Captain Marvel #32) (1974)

 Marvel Events and Crossovers Project

Taking a broad historical overview of the Marvel Universe by reading through the major events and crossover events in order. (Thanks to The Marvel Event Timeline at and Marvel Unlimited)

Inks: Dan Green

Writing Assist: Mike Friedrich

The Rest of the Mess: Jim Starlin 

Drax, for one, is not intimidated by the apotheosis of Thanos.

His futile attack threatens to destroy the observatory and causes injury to Moondragon.

The remaining combatants retreat to the Hall of Science to find a more effective form of attack.

Marvel reveals that he concealed the Cosmic Cube during the confusion, though just where he was keeping it in that skin tight costume, I don’t wanna know.

He and Iron Man deduce that ego is his weakness.

Mar-Vell calls on the power bestowed by Ego to get himself and Iron Man out of a tough scrape when Thanos creates beings to attack them.

And Thanos himself is attacked after he believes he has destroyed all of his enemies.

He chooses to torture Drax by restoring memories of his past.

Starlin takes a moment to deliver the message that avoidance of a traumatic past is not a healthy response…

…before setting up a battle between the Avengers and Thanos’s war fleet.

A hint from the hologram avatar of the world wide computer ISAAC provides a bold inspiration to Mar-Vell for defeating Thanos’s creations.

Now this is a little hard to swallow, that some juvenile taunts from Rick Jones would goad Thanos into to taking rash action no matter how fragile his ego is.

As enjoyable as this epic has been, I’m glad the end is in sight; it’s been going on a bit too long.


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