The Dark Design (Riverworld #3) (1977)

by Philip Jose Farmer

The Riverworld saga continues as several characters attempt the journey to the mysterious tower at the source of the river on whose shores all of humanity has been resurrected. 

Although this essential quest and the puzzle at the heart of the series still maintain interest, this sprawling, messy novel often tested my patience. 

Burton and his crew make an appearance at the beginning but then disappear from the novel altogether.

There are numerous unnecessary digressions, including several dull chapters of backstory on Farmer's alter ego, the science-fiction writer Peter Jairus Frigate (check out the initials), who is actually a relatively minor character.
Philip Jose Farmer

When Farmer is developing the quest for the truth and the rivalries between characters, the book is fun. 

However, it really needed quite a bit of editing to whittle out the extraneous material and some shockingly bad writing.
"The Great Design" (Italian)

I have to admit that the cliffhanger ending does leave me wanting to know what comes next.

"Dark Designs" (Russian)

"Dark Pattern" (Polish)

"The Mysterious Plan" (Romanian)

"Dark Purpose" (Czech)

"The Dark Design" (French)

"The Dark Pattern" (German)

"The Dark Design" (Spanish)

"Dark Design" (Portuguese)


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