The Children (1980)


Director: Max Kalmanowicz

Writers: Carlton J. Albright & Edward Terry

Stars: Martin Shakar, Gil Rogers, Gale Garnett, Shannon Bolin, Tracy Griswold, Joy Glaccum, Jeptha Evans, Clara Evans, Sarah Albright 

A cloud of toxic gas transforms a busload of schoolchildren into zombies that can incinerate their victims with a touch.


This is an ultra-low-budget film with a rather silly premise that nevertheless held my interest. 

The story unfolds over the course of a few hours and the way the protagonists race from scene to scene, trying to understand and then cope with the crisis, gives it some good narrative drive. 

The fact that it was children doing the killing and being destroyed in return also provided a certain level of horror (although I must admit that I projected some of this; the filmmakers did a poor job of exploiting that aspect).


Gorehounds should be warned: despite a high body count, the graphic violence is limited to some poorly done burn makeup and severed mannequin hands.


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