Carnival of Souls (1962)

Director: Herk Harvey

Writer: John Clifford

Stars: Candace Hilligoss, Frances Feist, Sidney Berger, Art Ellison, Stan Levitt, Tom McGinnis, Forbes Caldwell, Dan Palmquist

Given its low-budget pedigree, this film is far better than anyone had any right to expect.


Director Herk Harvey, in his only production (!), shows himself to be a master of atmosphere. 

There's not much to the story: After a near-death experience, a young woman (Candace Hilligoss) is stalked by ghosts.


She sometimes appears to become invisible to those around her and has a weird attraction to an abandoned resort out in the Utah desert.


I can imagine that this was the perfect drive-in movie; the images are of paramount importance and deliver an eerie experience without the necessity of distracting teenagers from their necking with the need to follow a story. 

The film ends with a "twist" that is very passe today (and probably was in the 60s as well), but by this time Harvey has already delivered plenty of shivers. 

Our heroine's mysterious end is a beautifully orchestrated black-and-white nightmare.


What would Harvey have accomplished if he had continued making films...and why didn't he?


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