Tom Sawyer Abroad (Adventures of Tom and Huck #3) (1894)

by Mark Twain

Tom, Huck, and Jim are swept up in a futuristic air balloon and whisked across the ocean to Arabia, where they tour the Sahara.


This book is a complete break from "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn," two great works whose stature as literary milestones doesn't prevent them from being vastly entertaining. 

This sequel begins very well but goes off the rails just about the time the boys go up in the air. 

Mark Twain's great humor peeks through often, most notably in some entertaining debates among the boys, but this remains a forgettable juvenile adventure that appears to have been hastily written and pales in comparison to its predecessors.

Mark Twain

"Tom Sawyer's Great Journey" (Polish)

"Tom Sawyer's World Tour" (Telugu)

"Astronaut Tom Sawyer" (Bengali)

"Tom Sawyer Abroad" (Spanish)


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