Astonishing X-Men #2 (2004)

Random Marvels Project Dipping my net into the ocean of Marvel and seeing what comes up. Writer: Joss Whedon Artist: John Cassaday While Dr. Kavita Rao, inventor of a cure for mutants, uses sensational footage to announce her find to the public… …the X-men make their reappearance as a traditional superhero team. The counteragent for the mutant stain provides a potent ethical dilemma that mirrors an issue that has been raised in the deaf community: to what extent is one simply treating a medical condition and to what extent is one invalidating a way of being and damaging a community? It appears that Hank McCoy is about to go through a dilemma of his own. Joss Whedon’s snappy script and John Cassaday’s fantastic art really makes this series sing.