by Harper Lee
A young woman returns to her small Southern hometown and must grapple with the realization that the father she idolized harbors opinions on race that are abhorrent to her.
She must also deal with the implications for her self-identity.
For a while, I bought into the publisher hype that this was a “sequel” to To Kill a Mockingbird rather than an unpublished earlier draft.
It was hard to bear the idea that one of American literature’s major exemplars of moral courage should be reduced to an old man more concerned about preserving his privilege than supporting human rights.
"Go Set Up a Guard" (Arabic) |
Having read both a little about the controversy regarding the book publication and the book itself, I find myself coming down on the side of those who allege that this was a cynical money grab.
"Go Watch" (Persian) |
While it retains some interest as a literary artifact, it is really not of high enough quality to justify such a high profile release.
"Go and Post a Sentry" (French) |
There is, however, one thing this book has going for it: the sterling quality of Atticus Finch as the epitome of moral rectitude for decades of readers allows us to closely identify with the disillusionment of the grown up Scout as she finds out what kind of man her father really is.
"Go Find a Guard" (German) |
"All the Birds in the Sky" (Finnish) |
"Go and Put On a Guard" (Romanian) |
"Go, Put a Sentry" (Polish) |
"Go Put a Lookout" (Portuguese) |
"In the Shadow of the Rosary Tree" (Turkish) |
"Go Put a Watchman" (Russian) |
"Put a Guard" (Greek) |
"Let's Go Set a Watchman" (Vietnamese) |
"Go, Set Up a Guard" (Macedonian) |
"Go, Set Up a Guard" (Slovenian) |
"Go and Set a Guard to Watch" (Thai) |
"Warder" (Chinese) |
"Set Up a Patrol" (Slovak) |
"Come On, Keep an Eye on Me" (Japanese) |
"Standing All Night" (Hebrew) |
"Go and Set Up a Guard" (Lithuanian) |
"Go Get the Guard Out" (Estonian) |
"Go, Set Up a Guard" (Serbian) |
"Go, Set Up a Guard" (Bosnian) |
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