by Stephen King
I read the shorter version of Stephen King's beloved apocalyptic epic as it was originally published, and although I found much to enjoy, I do not wish that I had read the expanded, restored version that was published later.
It starts with a bang and sustains impressive narrative drive during the initial outbreak of the superflu and the rapid collapse of society that follows.
Once the survivors begin segregating themselves to the emerging communities of Boulder (under the prophetic Mother Abagail) and Las Vegas (under the demonic Randall Flagg), the plot stagnates.
The final showdown with Flagg is disappointingly underwhelming and conventionally religious with a literal deus ex machina.
There's still enough good stuff here to fill two or three novels of more moderate length, but in the end, King's achievement doesn't quite equal his vision.
"Confrontation" (Russian) |
"The Dance of Death" (Spanish) |
"Bastion" (Polish) |
"The Last Battle" (German) |
"The Scourge" (French) |
"Time of the Plague" (Swedish) |
"Armageddon" (Turkish) |
"The Ordeal" (Dutch) |
"The Shadow of the Scorpion" (Italian) |
"Collision" (Bulgarian) |
"The Showdown" (Danish) |
"Testimony" (Czech) |
"Base" (Finnish) |
"The Stand" (Thai) |
"Doomsday" (Hungarian) |
"Doomsday Is Approaching" (Chinese) |
"Devil" (Persian) |
"Stronghold" (Serbian) |
"Resistance" (Slovak)
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