Tower of Glass (1970)

by Robert Silverberg

Simeon Krug, a fantastically wealthy entrepreneur, endeavors to communicate with the stars in this fascinating tale of a man's incredible hubris and the destruction it wreaks on all within his sphere of influence--which includes the entire world.


Every one of Krug's actions appears to be motivated by the need for self-aggrandizement, although he would probably be shocked to hear it; this blindness is a fascinating aspect of the character. 

"Test Tube Children" (German)

Krug wants to stretch his presence across this universe, so he is building a mile-high glass tower on the northern tundra that will house a tachyon projector.


He needs workers for his project, so he creates androids that are capable of the full range of human emotion and presses them into service.


"The Glass Tower" (Spanish)

Some reviewers have complained that the novel ends on an inconclusive note, but, if you read this story, just think about the havoc that Krug causes through his single-minded attachment to his own grand schemes without adequate thought to their consequences.


Robert Silverberg has penned a worthy cautionary tale about the danger of pairing too much power and ambition with too little ability or desire to imagine any result but what the great man intends.

Robert Silverberg

"The Glass Tower" (French)

"Crystal Tower" (Italian)

"The Crystal Tower" (Portuguese)

"The Glass Tower" (Portuguese)


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