New Spring (The Wheel of Time #0) (2004)

by Robert Jordan

Two young newcomers to the Aes Sedai, a powerful organization of female magicians, find themselves in possession of privileged information that the prophecy foretelling the birth of the Dragon, a man who will save the world by destroying it, is coming true.


When it appears that the forces of evil have penetrated the sisterhood itself, Moraine strikes out on her own to find the young man, setting in motion the quest that will kick off Robert Jordan's lengthy Wheel of Time series.


As I was reading, I didn't know that this novel was expanded from a short story, but it makes perfect sense because pages and pages go by with virtually nothing happening.

If you are in love with the world Jordan has created, you'll enjoy this book, because he describes it in microscopic detail.


Robert Jordan

What people are wearing, what they are eating, how they wear their hair, how they furnish their's all here.


There is also a pretty good story here, but it is so buried in extraneous detail that it requires tremendous patience to get through it.

"Beginning" (Swedish)

"New Spring" (Hungarian)

"New Spring" (Italian)

"New Spring" (Polish)

"The Call of Spring: The Prehistory" (German)

"New Spring" (Turkish)


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